You guys, I really dig working with jQuery, very powerful stuff.  I've
been trying to implement the autocomplete plugin but I don't know how
to ask this question, or google what I need to know.

We have 6000 staff (records) here on campus and we want to be able to
search them by their first & last name.  I have to use an XML web
service that's controlled by another group.  Getting the output
changed would be near impossible, so it's gotta come out this way.  I
curl that XML into a PHP.  I pass that php a "GET" argument of name,
in this instance "casey" and below is what it comes back with.

Can this be done with XML like this using the autocomplete plugin

<searchResults status="OK">
        <entry employeeID="cmwise">
                <email>[EMAIL PROTECTED]</email>
                <fullName>Casey M Wise</fullName>
                <department name="Application Systems Svs">
                        <title>Sr Web Developer</title>
                <building>COMP 115</building>
                <displayName>Mr Casey M Wise</displayName>
        <entry employeeID="cem22">
                <email>[EMAIL PROTECTED]</email>
                <fullName>Casey E Merriman</fullName>
                <department name="Speech, Lang/Path & Audiology">
                        <title>Graduate Assistant</title>
                <displayName>  Casey E Merriman</displayName>
        <entry employeeID="cfm2">
                <fullName>Casey F Miller</fullName>
                <department name="Human Resources">
                        <title>Employment Services Assistant</title>
                <building>ASB 135</building>
                <displayName>Ms Casey F Miller</displayName>
        <entry employeeID="cbakula">
                <email>[EMAIL PROTECTED]</email>
                <fullName>Casey J Bakula</fullName>
                <department name="Electrical & Computer Engr">
                        <title>Graduate Assistant</title>
                <displayName>Casey J Bakula</displayName>

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