Very neat. I especially like the definitions.

BTW, your packed version doesn't come with the license. I realise that
the focus with packed is to get the file as small as possible but, if
you want the license included, you should add it to the file yourself.

Thanks again. I'll take it out for a spin.

On Mon, Dec 8, 2008 at 1:47 PM, Josh Bush <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> There is now a new version of my Masked Input Plugin for jQuery(http://
> After a long absence
> with this project, I finally decided to tackle some of the more
> requested features that have been sent to me. I also did some big
> reorganization to make room for some future enhancements. With all the
> changes, it seemed appropriate to bump this version from the 1.1
> series.
> *Paste support for more browsers. It should now work in IE7, Firefox
> 3, Safari, Chrome, and Opera.
> *Fixed backspace bug in Opera.  I had originally put in special
> handling for Opera to get past a bug that appears to be fixed in
> current releases.  This code is now removed.
> *Calling .mask() with no arguments will now return the value of the
> input without the literals.
> *Added option "allowPartial" that will allow partial input to remain
> when focus is lost.
> *Exposed the hash table of the mask definitions directly to replace
> the $.mask.addPlaceholder() method.  The old method remains for now,
> but will be removed in a future relase.  You should now add custom
> mask definitions by "$.mask.definitions[char]=regex;"
> *Code refactoring and  house cleaning.  I made things more jQuery like
> and removed some crufty code in the process.  The end result is better
> organization to build on for future enhancements.
> Please let me know if you have any troubles with this release.  I'm
> excited about the changes and I am looking forward to a few future
> enhancements after this release gets stabilized.  I think the biggest
> request has been to allow for incomplete input into the masks, so
> hopefully a lot of you will be happy.
> Enjoy!
> Josh

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