On Mon, Dec 15, 2008 at 10:13 AM, Jan Limpens <jan.limp...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi guys,
> I wonder if anybody knows a good page/tutorial/etc... that explains
> good practices in structuring a project that uses jquery.
> Currently I have a mess of files that all populate the global name
> space with things currently in need.
> If my server side programming looked like that, I'd through me out of
> the window :)
> I need to fix this up, probably putting things in classes (well, these
> funny top level functions that work like classes, in a way) etc..
> But how does this work with things like $(document).load(...)? And
> many questions (most of which have not come into my mind) more.

If you want a more class-like setup, have a look at the WymEditor [1]
code, which extends the JQuery objects associated with textareas, and
the Tidy plugin, which extends WymEditor's functionality.

As far as files go (if that's what you're also asking about), I
generally keep jQuery and its plugins in js/lib, with 'jquery-' in the
filename.  The rest of my code i put in js/, though sometimes in
subdirs relating to the application.

[1] www.wymeditor.org

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