
I knew eval was bad, that's why I'd posted it here. :)

On Dec 17, 2:24 pm, Ariel Flesler <> wrote:
> No eval() please!
> function namespace(name, data){
>      data = data || window;
>      name = name.split(".");
>      for (var i=0; i < name.length; i++) {
>          var ns = name[i];
>          data = data[ns] || ( data[ns] = {} );
>      }
>      return data;
> };
> It'd a little get shorter if you use jQuery.each.
> Cheers
> --
> Ariel Flesler
> On Dec 17, 8:05 pm, Kean <> wrote:
> > I wrote a simple namespacer. Do you think this is useful in real world
> > applications? Any improvements that can be made to the code? Thank
> > you.
> > var namespace = function (name, global){
> >         var root = global || '$';
> >         (!eval('window.'+root))? eval('window.' + root + '={}') : '';
> >         var name = name.split(".");
> >         var fullname;
> >         for (var i=0; i<name.length; i++) {
> >                 fullname = (!i) ? name[i] : fullname + "." + name[i];
> >                 if (!eval (root + "." + fullname))
> >                         eval (root + "." + fullname + " = {}");
> >         }
> > }
> > namespace('');
> > namespace('helloz.yahoo2');
> > namespace('helloz.yahoo2', 'YAHOO');
> > $ = function() { alert(1); };
> > $.helloz.yahoo2.init = function() { alert(2); };
> > YAHOO.helloz.yahoo2.init = function() {alert(3); };
> > $; //alerts 1
> > $.helloz.yahoo2.init(); // alerts 2
> > YAHOO.helloz.yahoo2.init(); // alerts 3

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