It appears that you are confusing "display: none" with "type="hidden"

they are two totally different controls

if you have

<input id="Name1" type="text" class="reqired" value="" />

and you set it to "display: none" when the checkbox is checked...  for
instance, saying $("#Name1").hide()

then the selector   [...@type=hidden]  won't find that because it is
still of type "text" (but just with it's display style set to "none")

On Dec 30, 2:26 am, nal <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have been using a prototype form 
> validation
> but I now wish to go to jquery.
> I can get it working but there is something i can't get to work and it
> was the best feature of the prototype script mentione above.
> I would like the validation script to exclude from the process any
> hidden form field.
> I set the validation rules as metatags with class="required"
>  the following works but still requires to validate hidden fields
>         $("#commentForm").validate();
> I have tried something like..
>       $("#commentForm").validate({ignore: "[...@type=hidden]"  });
> but that does not work
> Some fields are hidden because the parent div is set to display:none
> when a checkbox is checked.
> Any ideas?

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