friends, following what i learned in this post i'm busy rewriting my object.

i have a specific question.

in my old code i would have something like:

var datascape = new Object();
datascape.ini = function(){

datascape.availableWidth = $(window).width();


can i rewrite it like this:

var datascape= {
'ini': function(){
this.availableWidth = $(window).width();

So that, if i need it somewhere else, i can just get to its value
"datascape.availableWidth"  or do i have to explicitate it ?

var datascape= {
'ini': function(){
datascape.availableWidth = $(window).width();

Thanks !!!

On Wed, Dec 31, 2008 at 5:16 PM, pete higgins <> wrote:
>> and, yeah, I usually put in bare keys (sans quotes) unless necessary, too.
>> Not sure why. I guess I just like the clean look.
> Yah, they just seem to be wasted bytes, huh?
> One thing to note, and the only reason I try to force myself to use
> the quotes is for portability. If the data is "really" JSON and
> expects to be consumed by languages not javascript, the quotes are
> [likely] necessary, eg PHP. js and php can share a common json
> fragment if they are quoted.
> $d = json_decode(file("someFile.json"));
> foreach($d as $item => $val){ .. }
> really its just a distinction between "what js can do" and "JSON"
> this isn't JSON:
> var foo = { bar:function(){ .. }, baz: new Date() };
> (I know you know, too, btw)
> About anything can be a key in JS. (DomNodes can't, though btw, but
> functions objects etc)
> var bar = { a:"b", c:"d" };
> var bar2 = [1,2,3,4];
> var foo = {};
> foo[bar] = "baz";
> foo[bar2] = "baz2";
> if(bar in foo){ console.log(foo[bar]); } // baz
> if(bar2 in foo){ console.log(foo[bar2]); } // baz2
> Fun. Thanks for the banter, Karl.
> Regards,
> Peter Higgins

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