jQuery 1.3 is going to be released soon. You might want to try to see
if it works with 1.3b2.

Also, it might be helpful to publish snippets of html that relates to
your query.

On Jan 12, 11:27 am, bryce4president <brycekmar...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I had a piece of code that worked with 1.2.2 but now it doesn't seem
> to work with 1.2.6
> Here is the code, can anybody see anything that would cause it to stop
> working?  All it does is adds a link to a piece of text in a table
> cell.
> $('#'+i).children('td:first').next().click(function(){
> ord = $(this).text();
> window.location.href = "Recap?ord="+ord+"&pg="+page;
> });
> It doesn't seem to be picking up the right part of the DOM anymore...

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