Currently you get two JavaScript errors because jQuery is not defined (one
for hoverintent and the other for superfish). Try loading hoverintent and
superfish scripts *after* loading jQuery.

The second issue is a CSS issue. I'd recommend playing around with
superfish-navbar.css rules. You'll likely need to adjust the width and
background color of the subnav UL.

Good luck,

On Thu, Mar 5, 2009 at 6:15 AM, greggo <> wrote:

> I've got superfish setup and am trying to use the nav-bar style.
> Everything is working all right except two things:
> 1. the hoverIntent and timing doesn't work at all. i.e. rather than
> working with a fade in, and time delay for the subnav, everything is
> immediate and binary (on/off)
> 2. I would like the subnav to appear with the full length background
> color covering the width of its span. at the moment, the background
> only goes as far as there are items in the subnav.
> The page can be viewed at
> thanks for any help you can offer.

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