A few things you could try:

1. explicitly set the width of the table rather than let the width of the items within it to determine its width.
2. make sure the stylesheets are being loaded before the scripts.
3. apply the drop shadow on $(window).load() rather than $ (document).ready()


Karl Swedberg

On Mar 16, 2009, at 12:17 PM, micha...@gmail.com wrote:

I'm having an issue with a drop shadow on a table element. Sometimes
when the page loads, the drop shadow is the wrong width and height for
the table. I can't reliably reproduce the error, but it seems to
happen more when there's nothing in the cache. The size seems
arbitrary -- it's not the same as a different element on the page, nor
is it a logical size that the table could have been in the flash
before the html rendering is complete.

It's a pretty normal set up -- the document ready event has a call
to .dropShadow on the table element, and it works 99 out of a 100

Could this be a processor issue? If, for some reason, the load is
heavy at the moment the shadow tries to get the outer width and
height, could it grab the wrong numbers? Is there something I can do
to make double sure that the rendering is fully complete before trying
to calculate the dimensions?

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