Hi there,

I'm getting an interesting problem with addClass and removeClass. I'm 
attempting to build a rating system using radio buttons to select the 
rating. I'm actually hiding my radio buttons and styling the label to 
have pretty stars instead for a nicer interface. I want to highlight the 
star when the radio button is selected, so when the label is clicked by 
adding the 'active' class. I also need to remove the 'active' class from 
all other labels so that only one is selected at any one time.

I assumed that removing the class from all of them and then re-adding 
for the one I am clicking would be the most efficient way for doing this 
like so.

jQuery(document).ready(function () {
 jQuery('label.star').click(function (event) {

However this now has no effect, the class is simply not added at all now.

Anyone got any ideas why this doesn't work?



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