On Sun, Apr 19, 2009 at 11:10 PM, Donut <erichschroe...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I am trying to follow the tutorials on
> http://blog.themeforest.net/tutorials/jquery-for-absolute-beginners-video-series/
> but for some reason cannot follow along with the very first tutorial.
> This is ridiculous. Is there something very simple that I am doing
> wrong?

For starters, have you ensured that jquery is loaded? Do you use
Firebug, FF Webdeveloper extension, or something else that will show
what javascript has been loaded?

Also, is there some reason for the link ("Click Me!")? The code you
posted should run when the paragraph is clicked, not the link.

And this line:


... should be:


There's no reason to have jquery seek the element a 2nd time.

4 seconds seems a long time for a fade out effect, btw.

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