On Apr 20, 5:58 am, MorningZ <morni...@gmail.com> wrote:
> "Ridiculously good-looking"
> What's "good-looking" to one may be hideous to another, so it's all
> going to depend on your tastes and CSS/Design skills to make what you
> feel is best for your application

No, there are some libraries that produce truly ugly tips. Others,
like prototip for Prototype, produce very nice tips. To anyone with
some aesthetic sensibility, the differences are pretty obvious.

> As for size, i have no idea where you are finding a 200k+ plugin to do
> something as simple as a tooltip, but Jorn's tooltip is 10k plus a
> little bit of CSS (http://bassistance.de/jquery-plugins/jquery-plugin-
> tooltip/)

http://plugins.jquery.com/project/bt    Over 200kb, including

I found what looks to be a nice one though: 

Beautiful, small, seemingly compatible.


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