thank you very much!!

(why can't I see my posts here?
(I can only see my posts if I search for my uid (kali)

ok, thank you very much.. sorry for two test-posts I have posted..

On Apr 15, 2:47 pm, mkmanning <> wrote:
>  var img_top  = $("#"+curr_img);
> On Apr 15, 8:57 am,kali<> wrote:
> > hi, am trying to do image-hide/img-show with jQuery (now use 'regular'
> > JavaScript DOM-scripting..  want to switch to jQuery..  but am having
> > some difficulties:
> > I have this function-call in interface:
> >   get_img('photo1','nav1','navAll1','photo2','nav2','navAll2')
> > in function -- old way:
> > function get_img
> > (curr_img,curr_nav,curr_navAll,new_img,new_nav,new_navAll)  {
> >         var img_top    = document.getElementById(curr_img);
> >         var img_new    = document.getElementById(new_img);    //  etc..
> > how do I do this in jQuery?  I tried:
> >         var img_top    = $("#curr_img");
> >         var img_top    = $(curr_img);
> > neither one of these is working..  and worst problem is I don't get
> > errors in Firefox Error Console (jQuery syntax errors don't show in FF
> > Error Console...  is there a place where you can check your jQuery
> > syntax??)
> > the element id's are passed to the function as string values..  so how
> > do I add this string value to a wrapper like this
> >     $('# <id passed to function>')????
> > thank you...
> > thank you very much...

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