
First, my code:


if ($alt_nav_ul.length > 0) {
        $alt_nav_ul.append('<li><a href="#" class="folioLink">Portfolio</a></
        $('a.folioLink').click(function() {
                $folio = $('#folio').toggle();
                return false;
} // $alt_nav_ul



What would be the best way for me to also look at the uri hash?

I would like #folio div to show if there is a hash in the uri:


But I also want the href to handle show/hide of the #folio div.

Not looking for the exact code... Just kinda curious as to the best
approach to handling the hash -- I have never used a hash in my jquery
scripts before. :)

Any tips ya'll can send my way would be spectacular!

Many thanks in advance!

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