I am using the cycle plugin, but for some reason I can't get the pause
feature to work.  I am showing a hidden div, and when I do, I need to
pause the slideshow.
Here is what I am using:

                fx:      'fade',
                speed:    3000,
                timeout:  5000,
                pause:  1,
                next:   '#artworkNext',
                prev:   '#artworkPrev'

        // Pause the cycle
        $('#pauseButton').click(function() {
                return false;

        // Resume the cycle
        $('#resumeButton').click(function() {
                return false;

The code looks ok to me, but it just does not seem to pause.

Example: http://www.caldwellsnyder.com/artists/montoya-ortiz/view-artworks
Click on "Contact about artwork"


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