so as not to confuse..

the name attribute looks like this
name="name['name']" for the input field

and the js is

rules: {
  name['name']: 'required'

i noticed typos in the above question.

On May 22, 12:36 pm, "" <>
> Can anyone tell me how i can change which attribute on my form field
> triggers the validation?
> currently it appears the be the name attribute. So in my Rails app
> using Rails helpers, it sets the name to somthing like formname
> ['fieldname'] and the whole name.
> in my script if i do something like
> rules: {
>   formname['fieldname]: 'required'
> }
> causes the script to break.
> I need a workaround if anyone has ever come across this problem..
> Thanks in Advance

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