Hi There
i want to hide my phone numbers in an output page so that the viewer
has to click an icon to see it.
i have the following jquery so far:
<!---JQuery test to hide phone--->
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">

$(document).ready(function() {

and this is the code with the phone number i want to hide:
        <cfloop query="freelist" startrow="#URL.offset#" endrow="#limit#">
            <tr bgcolor="###iif(currentrow MOD 2,DE('ebebeb'),DE
('ffffff'))#" class="smalltext11light">
                          <td width="81%">&nbsp;#freelist.busname# </td>
              <td width="19%" align="right">&nbsp;#freelist.busphone#</

Just how do i reference that #freelist.busphone# in the 2nd line of my
jquery please
cheers and thanks in advance

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