Hi All,

I am looking for the solution of this problem:

i have a login form. i would like to "shake" the login-form box, if
the authentication (PHP+MySQL) failed.
i use jQuery.post for posting the values from login form to the PHP-
script (used for validation - named "backend.php").

This is the code:

<script type="text/javascript">

$(document).ready(function() {
        $("#submit_butt").click( function() {
                // configurations for the buzzing effect. Be careful not to 
make it
too annoying!
                var conf = {
                                frequency: 5000,
                                spread: 5,
                                duration: 600
                /* do your AJAX call and processing here...
                        .... */
                        var unameval = $("#username").val();
                  var pwdval = $("#pwd").val();

                  $.post("backend.php", { username: unameval, pwd: pwdval },
            if(data.length >0) {


                // this is the call we make when the AJAX callback function
indicates a login failure
                // let's also display a notification
                if($("#errormsg").text() == "")
                        $("#loginform").append('<p id="errormsg">Nesprávne meno 
alebo heslo!
                // clear the fields to discourage brute forcing :)


Could you pls help me? Any suggestions?

Thanks a lot.


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