On Jun 4, 10:17 am, Mike Alsup <mal...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > How do I eliminate or override the "position: absolute;" being
> > injected into the img tag, as that appears to be the culprit?
> You can't eliminate it.  For the slideshow to work the container
> element must have 'relative' position and the slides must have
> 'absolute' position inside the container.  I suspect your layout is
> having trouble with the relatively positioned div, but you should be
> able to sort that out.

Well after some gnashing-of-teeth and cursing I have it working :)

I googled [some more] and found this posting that gave me the clue I

I hadn't set a height and width on the DIV hooked to the cycle plugin
containing the image(s). <sigh>


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