I'm having some troubles with passing variables to jQuery.format

I have a script (php) that's checks if the domain part exists. If not
it will show an message

The following code works #1

It split an email address and assigns the domain name to the var
$(document).ready(function() {

var x = $('#email').val();
        var ind=x.indexOf("@");
        var hostName=x.slice((ind+1),x.length);

.... rest of script

it will correctly show the var hostName in jQuery.format, but after
entering another incorrect domain name it will show the first
incorrect domain name

I've also tried this #2

$(document).ready(function() {

$("#email").blur(function () {
var x = $('#email').val();
        var ind=x.indexOf("@");
        var hostName=x.slice((ind+1),x.length);

...rest of script
But then i got a message (firebug) that hostName is not defined


$(document).ready(function() {
$("#email").blur(function () {
var x = $('#email').val();
        var ind=x.indexOf("@");
        var hostName=x.slice((ind+1),x.length);
.. rest of script

This will show the domain name, but on loading page it will show an
empty alert window

I prefer method #2.
How can i pass the var hostName to jQuery.format?

Any help is much appreciated.

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