I did one similar to what you are trying to do using looped slider . I wanted the pagination images , which were different than the slide images, to do a hover type effect of highlighting the active one.

I put an image directly into the <a> tag and the corresponding off image in background. Set display:none for the foreground images. Paginator adds an ActiveClass and for that set display:block on image so the highlighted image would show

Should be fairly easy to do same in cycle using the event options to trigger add & remove class

Erik R. Peterson wrote:
I'm confused.  these are images from the slides being used in the Cycle.

What if I wanted to use GIF's that are not related to the images?

Would something like this work in the CSS?

#nav a {width:27px; height:27px; padding: 10px 10px 10px 10px; margin: 0px 0px 0px 10px;background: url('/img/slides/bullet_1.gif') no-repeat;  cursor: pointer; } 
#nav a.activeSlide {height:21px;background-position: -27px;} 
#nav a:focus {width:27px; outline: none; cursor: pointer;} 
#nav img {width:27px; height:21px; padding: 10px 10px 10px 10px; border: none; display: block; cursor: pointer; }�


On Jun 26, 2009, at 3:43 PM, Charlie wrote:

look through the examples some more, there's quite a few of them with image rollovers. Then look through the options API and see how to customize them to do almost whatever you are needing


Erik R. Peterson wrote:

Is it possible to use image rollovers instead of the default text that comes with the plugin?


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