Ok so I'm dumb. I needed to use a callback function when I use load to
make sure the load is done first, the it worked.

On Jul 6, 11:09 am, Erich93063 <erich93...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I have a div on my site that I am populating with a "load" that gets
> some html from another file on the server. This included file has a
> div on it that I want to now reference and populate with the value of
> a hidden form field on the page doing the loading, but when I do it,
> it looks like nothing is happening.
> code:
> //load data from external file into generalInfoData div
> $('#generalInfoData').load('_displayGeneralInfo.cfm');
> //_displayGeneralInfo.cfm contains an empty div with ID homePhone
> //the calling page has a hidden form field with an ID of homePhoneData
> var temp = $('#homePhoneData').val();
> //when I try to set the homePhone divs html to that of the hidden form
> field, nothing happens
> $('#homePhone').html(temp);
> Is this a timing issue? Where the code that tries to populate the div
> fires before the included file is actually there yet?

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