The superfish menu is being used here.

Meanwhile I found at least one error in the superfish.js. This script
is not using the "no-conflict" function.

The superfish menu in itself is a great module but when using it in
Joomla 1.5, it causes a lot of problems and there is no support
provided for this mootools vs. jquery issue.

On Jun 25, 6:12 pm, Charlie <> wrote:
> the majority of the problems with superfish integration into Joomla are css 
> issues. The existing template menu css doesn't get removed when you install 
> superfish and some of the template css conflicts with superfish
> providing a link would help
> deboni wrote:Thanks! that seems to be the right approach. However I have no 
> idea how I should implement that into Joomla. Maybe it has been done before? 
> On Jun 19, 9:52 pm, Theodore Ni<>wrote:I don't know the 
> details behind your specific problem, but a solution may be found at the 
> following link: 
> On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 2:42 PM, deboni<>wrote:HiI'm using 
> your superfish menu on a joomla website. It works perfect, but there seems to 
> be a conflict with another module which is using mootools.They say the 
> mootols (seems to be standard on Joomla 1.5) and jquery can not be mixed.Do 
> you know of any workaround for that problem?The menu is being used here?Best 
> regardsSilvio

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