Not sure if you found a solution to this or not, but I'm also having
you exact problem. It's due to the overflow: hidden property on the
carousel wrapper. I'm don't have a solution yet, but I'm working on it
and will post if I figure out a solution.


On Jun 13, 11:01 am, VaN <> wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm trying to merge Carousel and Drag functions, but I'm facing
> problem.
> Here is the jCarousel lite page :
> And here is my project :
> Carousel pager works great, when you click a page, carousel switch to
> the chosen page.
> But if you try to drag an item outside the carousel (green border),
> the item won't go above the carousel border, but underneath.
> Did someone already face this problem ? Any idea how to solve that ?

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