If the values are truly the words Yes and No in the db, then it's probably the library you're using on the server side to prepare the data for returning for the ajax call. Check the output of that. If that's still showing the words, it seems odd that they would transform again on their way to the browser, but maybe just make sure they have quotes around them (again, seems unlikely).

- Jack

Rick Faircloth wrote:

I've got a MySQL db that contains "Yes" or "No" in char datafields.

When I use $.ajax to bring that into the DOM and output the data via ' + row[12] + ', for example,

the values are converted to "true" or "false" when output on the screen.

What's the best method of getting "Yes" or "No" as the output instead of "true" or "false?"

Thanks for any suggestions!



/"Ninety percent of the politicians give the other ten percent a bad reputation." - Henry Kissinger/

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