Very good! ;)

On 11 ago, 13:48, Jack Killpatrick <> wrote:
> Hi All,
> New versions of the jquery listnav and listmenu plugins are now available:
> What's new:
> -- ListNav plugin ---------------------
> 1. added an includeOther option to provide a top level '...' nav link to
> access items that start with chars other than A-Z and 0-9. For example,
> chars like Ä and Ü.
> 2. added a prefixes option to provide a way to show "The New York Times"
> under T and N. Pass in your own prefix array.
> See the new demo 6 here for examples of both:
> -- ListMenu plugin -------------------
> 1. added an includeOther option, just like the one for the ListNav plugin.
> 2. added an onClick option that simplifies handling clicks in the
> dropdown menu (for things like pulling an href out of the clicked link
> to use it for an ajax call). The onClick uses event delegation, so is
> low overhead and the clicked object is available as a jquery object in
> your onClick function.
> See demo 3 here for includeOther example and demo 6 for onClick example:
> Some of these features were based on user requests. Thanks to everyone
> for the feedback.
> - Jack

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