It is of course possible, you have to simply redirect the user from the
server to the right page.
If in the the first scenario you have a page like 'search.php' and your form
is submitting the data to it, and your doing the search on server side and
displaying it on the same page, then in that case when you've moved the
search form to another page, you will need to make sure that the 'action'
attribute of this particular form still points to the 'search.php'.

If how your submitting data to the server and how you get it back and
display is different than that, then you will have to give a bit of details,
for example if your working in Ruby on Rails and your submitting the data to
the controller where your doing the actual search, then from there you can
easily redirect to the search action page...

Give a bit more details and I could help you more.

Thanks & Regards,
Dhruva Sagar.

Samuel Goldwyn<>
- "I'm willing to admit that I may not always be right, but I am never

On Thu, Aug 20, 2009 at 6:07 AM, efet <> wrote:

> I have search page. At this page, when user enters a value to the form
> field and clicks submit, the value is posted and server's results
> printed inside main div. Now, I want to add search form to main page
> and so when user enters a value to the form field and clicks submit,
> he is redirected to search page and the entered value is posted and
> server's results printed inside main div. Is this possible? If yes,
> how?

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