Hello everyone,

I'm new to jQuery and need some help with a trivial question. I'm
trying to program a menu bar and I'm having problems with variable
scope. Below is a snippet of my code:

<script type="text/javascript">
            var menubar = new MenuBar();

<script type="text/javascript">
        function MenuBar()
                this.currentIndex = 0;

        MenuBar.prototype.onClick = function(evt)
                this.currentIndex = 1;   //<--Unable to access class variable!!
                this.Select(this.currentIndex);  //<--Unable to access class

        MenuBar.prototype.Select = function(index)
                //code goes here

Once the onClick event is received the scope move from the class to
the actual item itself. How do I access class variables amd functions
after receiving an event??

Any help is greatly appreciated.


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