MANY ways to do this, with this being one of them

<button id="parsetablebutton" region="<?php echo $Region ?>">Some


$("#parsetablebutton").click(function() {
        var region = $(this).attr("region");  //<<-- the value from


again, that's just one way of many

On Aug 23, 6:04 pm, AMP <> wrote:
> Hello,
> I was using this:
> onClick="parsetable('<?php echo $Region ?>')"
> but now I want to use the JQuery:
> $("#parsetablebutton").click( function() {
> How do I pass the parameter to the function?
> Would I set an attribute and read it with[att=XXX] where the attribute
> is the echo'd $Region or is there a better way?
> Thanks

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