on 9/1/09 8:33 AM, Eric Martin at emarti...@gmail.com wrote:

>>> If you are referring to the known issues I mentioned - since they are
>>> browser issues,
>> Eric, thanks for the response. What issues did you mention that I missed?
> http://www.ericmmartin.com/projects/simplemodal_v12/#othernotes
> [under Known Issues]
>>> you'd need to implement something that woul keep track
>>> of state in those browsers.
>> What code have you used for this? Just copy all values into an array on
>> close and reset on open?
> I haven't had the need to solve this "problem", so I don't have any
> code to share. So, you'd need to write something to save the state of
> radio buttons in both IE6 and IE7 and checkboxes in IE6.
> -Eric
Ok. I had not seen there was a persist option. Sorry 'bout that. I'll give
it a shot. In my case, I am using checkboxes and I do not believe that there
is intent to support IE6 at this time. I noticed the issue when testing with
Safari and Firefox. I'll implement the persist option and see if it helps.



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Steffan A. Cline  
stef...@execuchoice.net                             Phoenix, Az
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