> I have a form that is repeated through out the page by the backend,
> which I have no control over.
> <form action="">
> <textarea class="your_comment" rows="10" cols="70"></textarea>
> <a href="#" class="comment_form_cancel">Cancel</a>
> </form>
> I want to attach an event to the link to clear the textarea.
> $(".comment_form_cancel").live("click", function(event) {
>         $(".your_comment").val('');
>         event.preventDefault();
> });
> This method would be attached to all instances of the form.  However,
> I would like only the form the user is currently working on to trigger
> the method.  For example, if there are 3 forms, I click the cancel
> link on the 3rd form, the clearing should only happen on the 3rd form,
> not all forms.  Is there a way to do this?

This should work:

$(".comment_form_cancel").live("click", function(event) {

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