How can I make a callback function that delays the functioning of the last 4
lines below until after

the form that's submitted by this code is completely processed.  Images are
being processed

on the server side and that takes a few seconds.  Right now my response
dialog ( last line) is appearing

before the image processing is complete and if the "Close" button that is a
part of that response dialog

is clicked, then it interrupts the images processing.


So I need for the form to be completely processed before the response dialog


Thanks for any help and suggestions!





Here's the code:


function processAddRentalPropertyForm() {


      var addNewRentalPropertyForm = $('#addNewRentalPropertyForm');


      addNewRentalPropertyForm.submit(function(objEvent) {


            var jThis = $(this);

            var strName = ("uploader" + (new Date()).getTime());

            var jFrame = $("<iframe name=\"" + strName + "\"
src=\"about:blank\" />" );


            jFrame.css("display", "none");

            jFrame.load(function(objEvent) {


                  var objUploadBody =

                  var jBody = $(objUploadBody);






            jThis   .attr("action",
"rentalProperties.cfc?method=mAddRentalProperty&returnFormat=json" )

                        .attr("method", "post")

                        .attr("enctype", "multipart/form-data")

                        .attr("encoding", "multipart/form-data")

                        .attr("target", strName)




      var dialogPosition = $(window).scrollTop();

      var dialogPosition = dialogPosition + 100;

      $('.rentalPropertyAddResponseDialog').css('top', dialogPosition);






"Those who hammer their guns into plows will plow for those who do not."  -
Thomas Jefferson


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