probably because you have click handlers inside the confirmAction function, which is run on click itself.
Fabdrol wrote:
Hi guys,

I'm facing this little problem, I've got a button toolbar, and users
can select rows in a table. When they have selected some row's, they
can click one of the buttons, and it invokes a callback.

Problem is, when I click the first time, there's nothing wrong. But
when I click the second time, it fires the callback two times, when I
click the third time it fires the callback three times, and so on.
That's a big problem, since the button is used to delete a page, and
obviously it should delete it only once, since the AJAX would return
an error ortherwise.

The code is seperated in three blocks, first the the onclick on the
button object, which invokes a function called confirmAction, taking
to parameters. [1], a message for the users, [2] the name of the
callback function. When the confirmation is confirmed, the
confirmAction function calls the callback. As said before, when I
click #delete once, it behaves like expected. But when I click the
second time (without refresh) it runs the callback function twice,
third time thrice, and so on.

Below is my code...

Thanks in advance!

the onclick on the button object
        $('#delete').click(function() {
                confirmAction('Weet je zeker dat je de geselecteerde pagina\'s 
verwijderen?', 'destroy');

the confirmation (global for my app, that's why callback is an
var confirmAction = function(msg, callback) {
        var context = $('#confirmAction');
        $('p.msg', context).html(msg);

                message: context,
                css: {
                        border: 'none',
                padding: '15px',
                backgroundColor: '#000',
                '-webkit-border-radius': '10px',
                '-moz-border-radius': '10px',
                color: '#fff'

        $('#confirmYes').click(function() {
                // [callback] is the function name, (true) the
                // base is global this cashed

        $('#confirmNo').click(function() {
                return false;

the callback:
var destroy = function(yesno) {
        var arr = new Array();

        if(yesno == true) {
                $('').each(function() {
                        if($(this).attr('checked') == true) {


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