in the double click function you'd have to clearTimeout on the first function otherwise it will run anyways.

readysalted wrote:
I'd use this approach -

var clicks = 0;

$('.todo_item h2').live('click', function() {
        // count the click

        // only set the timeout if the first click to prevent multiple
        if( click == 1) setTimeout( "doTheAction()", 300);

function doTheAction()
     if(click == 1) editInPlace();
     if(click == 2) showExtra();

     // reset click
     click = 0;

so you will only do something after the timeout fires, and you count
the clicks. If the user clicks a 2nd time before the timeout fires
you'll get the 2nd action. If not, you get the first.

NB: not tested, just an idea. Test it hard to make sure you don't
create lots of timeouts and crash the browser :)

On Sep 29, 3:41 pm, Sam <> wrote:
I'm trying to write some jQuery to do the following:

If a user clicks once on an object, do X.

If a user clicks twice on an object, do Y, but not X.

I've been having some trouble with this as, obviously, a double-click
will trigger the single-click twice. Here is a failed attempt:

    $('.todo_item h2').live('click', function() {
        var startTime = new Date();
        $(this).mousedown(function() {
            var endTime = new Date();
            if (Math.abs(endTime - startTime) < 300) { editInPlace }
            else { showExtra }


where editInPlace and showExtra are some functions I have defined
elsewhere in the document. This method, however, relies on a second
click, or mousedown at least, to work, which fails if the user only
clicks once.

I have also looked into setTimeout but without any fruitful results.
Anyone have any suggestions on how to code thsi?

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