hsfrey ha scritto:
In this line of code, I'm looking for a div whose Id is in variable
b1, and which has an input button field whose value is "Show" or
"Hide", and this line is to toggle those values.

$(("[id$="+b1+"]") input).attr(value, attr(value)

This doesn't work, and Firebug gives me the error "missing ) after
argument list"

Does anyone have an idea what the problem might be?

I can't understand what are you trying to do, but for sure there are many syntax errors:

$(("[id$="+b1+"]") input) should be $("#"+b1+" input") Then
attr(value, can be changed in .val()

and when you use attr(value) =="Hide"?"Show":"Hide");
I can't understand what value are you looking for, but should be something link 
$('#id').val() or $(this).val().


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