
I've been working on this for a while and I can't seem to figure this
out.  I'm trying to use the jFeed plugin to access an RSS feed from
Blogger.  I'm not trying to use any authentication, I just want to use
public read-only access.

I tried some real simple examples at first (using jFeed Demo from
jQuery.com).  When using the local XML file, everything works fine.
When I try to use a blogger address it doesn't work.

I've tried using:


None of these seem to work.  Since a local XML file worked in the
demo, I decided to use my own local XML file.  This worked fine,
however, when I copied it over to another web server, I was seeing the
same behavior.

In all cases where there's an error, I see an Error 405 message.  In
the function, it is requesting the file by 'GET' instead of 'POST',
but when I look in firebug, it says 'OPTION.'

Any help would be appreciated.

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