Hmmm. This is more complicated than I thought.

waseem, having 2 input fields doesn't seem correct. Thought it might
work I will have to pass that solution for this specific site.

Liam, Your code didn't work either, I don't know why.

Jörn, this watermark plugin is interesting but I don't want to use
jquery ui on this site.
That's because I'm already using that cleanField function and it would
be redundant to have a plugin just for the login form.
Also I gave it a try and the label didn't stay inside the input. So If
i have to manually position it there, then it's another reason I will
pass this solution as well.

I though a simple jquery would do this.
I think I will leave it masked and use a tooltip or something.

Thanks guys!

On Oct 19, 5:54 pm, Jörn Zaefferer <>
> Instead of replacing the input, display a label above it. 
> See
> Jörn
> On Mon, Oct 19, 2009 at 4:17 PM, Liam Potter <>wrote:
> > Here is how I do it. Just markup the form like normal (I use a definition
> > list to lay out my forms)
> >   $("input:password").each(function(){
> >       var $currentPass = $(this)
> >       $currentPass.css({opacity:0});
> >             $currentPass.before('<input type="text" value="Password"
> > class="removeit" style="position:absolute;z-index:10;" />');
> >             var $visiblePassword = $(".removeit");
> >             $visiblePassword.focus(function () {
> >           $(this).css({opacity:0});
> >           $currentPass.focus().css({opacity:1});
> >       });
> >                 $currentPass.blur( function () {
> >           if ( $currentPass.attr("value") == "" ){
> >               $currentPass.css({opacity:0});
> >               $visiblePassword.css({opacity:1}).attr("value","Password");
> >           }
> >       });
> >   });
> > waseem sabjee wrote:
> >> ah yes i forgot.
> >> you would get access denied when tried to change an input type property
> >> the best way is to have two input types and just hide one and show the
> >> other
> >> but i have a solution for you
> >> the html
> >>        <!-- The following html of two input types - we gonna switch
> >> between them-->
> >>        <input type="text" class="textinput" value="Passowrd" />
> >>        <input type="password" class="passinput" value="" />
> >> the css
> >>        <style type="text/css">
> >>            /*    first we need to hide the password input*/
> >>            .passinput {
> >>                display:none;
> >>            }
> >>        </style>
> >> the js
> >>        <script type="text/javascript">
> >>            $(function() {
> >>                // declare your input types
> >>                var textinput = $(".textinput");
> >>                var passinput = $(".passinput");
> >>                // on text input focus - hide text input and show and focus
> >> on password input
> >>                textinput.focus() {
> >>                    textinput.blur();
> >>                    textinput.hide();
> >>          ;
> >>                    passinput.focus();
> >>                });
> >>                // on password input blud hide password input and show and
> >> focus on text input
> >>                passinput.blur(function() {
> >>                    passinput.blur();
> >>                    passinput.hide();
> >>          ;
> >>                    textinput.focus();
> >>                });
> >>            });
> >>        </script>
> >> On Mon, Oct 19, 2009 at 2:51 PM, Marco Barbosa 
> >> <<mailto:
> >>>> wrote:
> >>    Hi waseem!
> >>    Thanks for your reply.
> >>    Something's wrong with this line:
> >>    $("#password").attr({type:'text'});
> >>    I tried changing to:
> >>    $("#password").attr('type','text'});
> >>    but still no go.
> >>    I have to comment out to get the other JS stuff on the site working.
> >>    The rest of the code seems Ok. What could it be?
> >>    I like your solution, pretty simple :)
> >>    I was wondering if we could put this inside the cleanField function
> >>    but I guess it's not necessary.
> >>    ~Marco
> >>    On Oct 19, 2:32 pm, waseem sabjee <
> >>    <>> wrote:
> >>    > // set the initial type to text
> >>    > $(".mypasswordfield").attr({
> >>    >   type:'text'
> >>    > });
> >>    > // on user focus - change type to password
> >>    > $(".mypasswordfield").focus(function() {
> >>    >  $(".mypasswordfield").attr({
> >>    >    type:'password'
> >>    >  });
> >>    > });
> >>    > // on user blur - change type to back to text
> >>    > $(".mypasswordfield").blur(function() {
> >>    >  $(".mypasswordfield").attr({
> >>    >    type:'text'
> >>    >  });
> >>    > });
> >>    > since text is an attribute we can change it.
> >>    > all im doing is changing the type between password and text on
> >>    click and on
> >>    > blur
> >>    > let me know if this worked for you :)
> >>    > On Mon, Oct 19, 2009 at 11:21 AM, Marco Barbosa
> >>    > < <>>wrote:
> >>    > > Hi!
> >>    > > I'm trying to achieve something like the Facebook first page (when
> >>    > > you're not logged in).
> >>    > > I'm using this simple function/plugin to clean the fields once you
> >>    > > click them:
> >>    > > $.fn.cleanField = function() {
> >>    > >        return this.focus(function() {
> >>    > >                if( this.value == this.defaultValue ) {
> >>    > >                        this.value = "";
> >>    > >                }
> >>    > >        }).blur(function() {
> >>    > >                if( !this.value.length ) {
> >>    > >                        this.value = this.defaultValue;
> >>    > >                }
> >>    > >        });
> >>    > > };
> >>    > > // clean the fields
> >>    > > $("#login").cleanField();
> >>    > > $("#password").cleanField();
> >>    > > So If I click Login or Password, it will clean and the user
> >>    can type
> >>    > > the new value.
> >>    > > It works good but there's a little usability problem here.
> >>    > > I want to display the Password field like: "Your password here"
> >>    > > instead of "***********"
> >>    > > But when the user types his/her password, it has to go back to
> >>    "****"
> >>    > > So Initially it should be: "Your login" "Your Password"
> >>    > > And when the user clicks and starts typing it goes: "My login"
> >>    > > "*******"
> >>    > > It's just the password field that masks the initial value by
> >>    default.
> >>    > > If you check Facebook they managed to do that somehow.
> >>    > > Any ideas of how can I achieve this?

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