Hi Gang.

I'm working with ClueTip and have run into some oddities.

In particular, I want to show ClueTip when a textbox receives focus. The source shows me that I can use activation:'focus' for this and that will result in the cluetip showing on focus and disappearing on blur. Showing the cluetip is working fine, blurring is not.

The code I have is this:

                activation: 'focus',
                local: true,
                showTitle: false,
                sticky: true,
                mouseOutClose: true,
                arrows: true,
                closeText: "<strong>X</strong>",
                closePosition: "title"
}).focus( function (){ $(opts.source).children().removeClass(opts.hover); });

The .focus() method that I have here is simply resetting the classes on the items the user may interact with.

I'm using ClueTip to provide a rapid selection tool - similar to a drop down list, but without the drop down list UI. (large number of options, needing HTML for formatting, etc.) The idea is that when the cursor arrives at the textbox, the cluetip shows and the user can use either the mouse to click an item, or the up/down keys and enter to do the same. Where I am running into problems is with the click selection. If I add a blur handler to the above code:

.blur( function () { $(document).trigger('hideCluetip'); })

then things work well for keyboard selection and blurring, but if I click instead, the click event never happens. Because, clicking on the cluetip triggers the blur of the textbox which closes the cluetip before the click can be handled. I suspect this may be partly why the onblur isn't working within ClueTip as well - the logistics seem rather complex...

So I'm looking for suggestions on how to get this running properly. OR for a plugin that provides similar functionality already. Thanks for any feedback.


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