Did you ever find a solution to this?  I'm having the same problem.

On Oct 22, 3:14 pm, Gabe <g...@kokiri.org> wrote:
> I've been getting some buggy behavior with IE7 when using a new line
> character as the multipleSeparator.  Here is my sample code:
> <textarea name="search[movies]" rows="4" cols="20"
> id="search_movies"></textarea>
> $('#search_movies').autocomplete(
>         'ajax_movie_autocomplete', {
>                 mustMatch: true,
>                 multiple: true,
>                 multipleSeparator: "\n"
>         });
> Firefox and Safari work great.  In IE, the first entry works fine, but
> the cursor stays on the same line.  When you hit a character for your
> second entry, the cursor drops down a line and starts displaying the
> auto-complete options for your new text appropriately.  However, if
> you hit "enter", it fails to autocomplete at all and just drops down
> to a new line.  If you instead select the option with your mouse
> instead of hitting "enter", it changes the first line instead of the
> line you're actually on.
> I receive the same behavior if I set multipleSeparator: "\r\n" .
> Also, "\r\n" is completely broken Firefox and Safari.  The first entry
> works fine, but the second entry completely wipes out everything typed
> into the textarea so far.  If anyone has a solution for IE, I'd love
> it worked on the "\n" form, as I'd rather not browser sniff to
> determine the separator.

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