Hi everyone,
I just want to let you all know of something I've been trought with AJAX and
M$ stupid IE7.
I made a script that was getting some data from the database e perform some
action to based on wich button you click. The data and action I was sending
with GET, most because the action was just to tell what info to get. But
here comes the problem. the script worked with IE6 and IE8 but not in IE7,
well it worked once and stopped. When I cleaned the cache it worked again
for one time.

The point is: IE7 since it's alpha3 version was caching GET pages and so
making them not to work again in this kind of situation. Even if you put
some code to not cache the page it will cache your page, at least for me. So
I had to change all my GET to POST to make it work.

I've tried to find a way to workaround this with a GET just to give the code
some sense, since I'm GETting data from the server and no POSTing it...

if someone knows how to workaround this in IE7. (Yeah.. since the alpha
version of IE8 it was corrected)...

Ricardo Verhaeg
Bacharelado Ciências da Computação - USP - São Carlos (2005)
Virgos Tecnologia da Informação - Desenvolvimento

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