I am working on a project where I have a navigation menu with
categories and then a list of items broken into those categories with
a header above each one. With the navigation I want to scroll to the
begining of each group of items. so l I have an unordered list that in
each list item has a header and then another unordored list of
products. Since there are to many products that can be in a given
category, I can not scroll with the previous and next buttons base on
the main li item, I have to do it based on the li's that contain the
products because the viewable area only holds about 5 products.

So I thought that I would use the localscroll for the navigation so
that I can scroll to each main li from there and then use the previous
and next buttons to scroll the products. The issue I am having is when
you click on the category link in the navigation and scroll to a
certain point, if you click next or previous it starts from the
begining. I looked at how they had the coda slider example but I think
my situation is different because I am actually using the local scroll
on the navigation.

Basically my javascript just has a variable for the scroll options and
then i pass that through to both the serialScroll and localScroll. Of
course I have been trying lots of things on the onAfter to try and
tell the serialScroll part what position to be at but nothing works. I
think how he is doing it in the coda slider example is the fact he can
tie in the navigation and set have that activate it. My problem is
that my navigation is what I am using to do the local scroll.

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