Thanks. Your message got me looking in the right direction. Turns out my selector was wrong. Needed "#jobtype", not "div.jobtype". Once I changed that everything worked as expected.


MorningZ wrote:
Show/Hide works perfectly fine in this quick example

recall that the "tabs" are actually <li> items that reference the
tabs, which are <div>'s....  to hide the tab itself, you need to hide
the <li>

On Nov 9, 10:23 am, Shawn <> wrote:
I have a series of tabs using UI.  I need to hide some tabs depending on
the selection in the first tab.  Doing $("#tab3").hide(); doesn't work.

This is what I have thus far:

     $("#div.jobtype input[name='jobtype']").click( function () {
         switch($(this).val()) {
             case "other": $("#tabLocations").show(); break;
             case "pipeline": $("#tabSegments").show(); break;
             case "wellsite": $("#tabWellholes").show(); break;

I did try to add the class "ui-tabs-hide" to the tab, but that didn't
work either.  I also did a Google search....

I don't want to add/remove tabs - that is not quite what I'm after.  I
just need to hide/show the tabs.

Any thoughts/suggestions?


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