The classes should be separated by a ',' (Comma). Please check out the
documentation on Selectors, having spaces it looks for the second class
within the first class sub-children. That's not what you desire.

Try the following code :

       $(".numAdultsField, .numChildrenField").blur(function() {
               var id = $(this).attr("id");
               var eltPrefix = id.substring(0, id.toLowerCase().indexOf
("num")).replace(":", "\\:");
               var numAdultsElt = $('#' + eltPrefix + 'NumAdults');
               var numChildrenElt = $('#' + eltPrefix + 'NumChildren');
               var total = 0;
               if (parseInt(jQuery.trim(numAdultsElt.val())) > 0) {
                       total += parseInt(jQuery.trim(numAdultsElt.val()));
               }       // if
               if (parseInt(jQuery.trim(numChildrenElt.val())) > 0) {
                       total += parseInt(jQuery.trim(numChildrenElt.val()));
               }       // if
               $('#' + eltPrefix + 'TotalInParty').val(total);

Thanks & Regards,
Dhruva Sagar.

On Wed, Nov 18, 2009 at 9:29 PM, <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I have to apply an onblur function to elements of type
> "numAdultsField" or "numChildrenField".  How do I do that?  This isn't
> working ...
>        $(".numAdultsField .numChildrenField").blur(function() {
>                var id = $(this).attr("id");
>                var eltPrefix = id.substring(0, id.toLowerCase().indexOf
> ("num")).replace(":", "\\:");
>                var numAdultsElt = $('#' + eltPrefix + 'NumAdults');
>                var numChildrenElt = $('#' + eltPrefix + 'NumChildren');
>                var total = 0;
>                if (parseInt(jQuery.trim(numAdultsElt.val())) > 0) {
>                        total += parseInt(jQuery.trim(numAdultsElt.val()));
>                }       // if
>                if (parseInt(jQuery.trim(numChildrenElt.val())) > 0) {
>                        total +=
> parseInt(jQuery.trim(numChildrenElt.val()));
>                }       // if
>                $('#' + eltPrefix + 'TotalInParty').val(total);
>        });
> - Dave

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