Hello all,

    I have a strange problem with jquery load. I have this two loads
on a click event:

$( '#operators_list_div' ).html( ' ' ).load( '{% url
add_save_view %}',{'action':action, });
$( '#address_list' ).html( ' ' ).load( '{% url add_save_view %}',

On first load, I add something in db(I have more arguments send).  At
the end I return a template that is a table and here works fine(I see
what I added.
In second load: Ex I add something with id = 1. I build a list(initial
the list is from 1 to 255). After the id=1 was added, the list will be
from 2 to 255. If i added an id=3, the list will be 1, 2, 4, 5,...255.
Here I want to return another template second.html that update a drop
down list with the list build. Here is the problem, sometime the list
is correct, other times not. After I add id 1, the list is correctly
updated(2,3...255), but sometimes is the default list(1,2...255). The
strange things is that is I put an alert, between the two load, it's
working fine

$( '#operators_list_div' ).html( ' ' ).load( '{% url
add_save_view %}',{'action':action, });
$( '#address_list' ).html( ' ' ).load( '{% url add_save_view %}',

Somebody know what I do wrong?

I put some alerts, before first load, before second load, and in every
template. Them are fired like this:
First the alert before first load
Second the alert before second load(strange, I was expected to fire
the alert from the first template)
Third the alert form the second template
Forth the alert from the first template

Why is this order?

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