try using the onShow option.

 cluetipClass: 'jtip',
 dropShadow: false,
 hoverIntent: true,
 sticky: true,
 mouseOutClose: true,
 positionBy: 'fixed', leftOffset: -235, topOffset: -190,
 onShow: function(ct) {


that might do it


Karl Swedberg

On Dec 11, 2009, at 4:20 PM, necker47 wrote:


I'm using Cluetip to pull some AJAX content, and in that content is a
link to another small bit of AJAX content. Since Cluetip doesn't seem
to support multiple tips (
browse_thread/thread/b853977ee373b1ee), I was trying to use something
like Colorbox to throw up a quick modal (it has to hit the page to
activate a process and then show a message), but the modal doesn't
want to fire presumably because I'm trying to activate it from that
original AJAX page. I'm just curious if something like this is even
possible. I'm just using the basic syntax right now:

$(document).ready(function() {

 cluetipClass: 'jtip',
 dropShadow: false,
 hoverIntent: true,
 sticky: true,
 mouseOutClose: true,
 positionBy: 'fixed', leftOffset: -235, topOffset: -190







It's also entirely possible that I'm not using the AJAX appropriately
either, so any ideas or help would be greatly appreciated!

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