If you provide your function for the close event you should be able to
achieve this.
It should return false in case you don't want it to close (in my opinion)

Thanks & Regards,
Dhruva Sagar.

On Thu, Dec 17, 2009 at 3:40 PM, Obi1 <gurreiro_fa...@yahoo.com.br> wrote:

> Hi, i'm having some trouble because i'm using a dialog witch has a
> form in it where someone can change info about their hotel. this
> dialog also has 2 buttons one to close and the other to save changes.
> what i'm trying to accomplish is - when someone made sany change and
> tries to close de dialog without saving he will be prompt if he really
> wants to leave without saving the changes an the dialog only closes if
> person choses 'yes'.
> when closing the window clicking the 'close' button i can accomplish
> this, but i wanted it also to work when closing dialog using the "x"
> button on the top of the dialog.
> is this possible?

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