I would suggest you to wrap the sections within * into a div and select that

Thanks & Regards,
Dhruva Sagar.

On Tue, Dec 22, 2009 at 6:29 PM, Mike Walsh <mike_wa...@mindspring.com>wrote:

> Long time listner, first time caller ...
> I am struggling with a selctor and am hopeful someone can help me see
> the forest through the trees.  I am using a WordPress plugin which
> generates the following HTML:
> <td class="day-with-date">
> <span class="weekend">26</span>
> <span class="event"><br />
> *
> <span class="calnk" nowrap="nowrap">
> <a href="#" style="">Christmas Break
> <span style="">
> <div class="event-title">Christmas Break</div>
> <div class="event-title-break"></div></span></a></span><br />
> *
> <span class="calnk" nowrap="nowrap">
> <a href="http://localhost/?p=104"; style="">
> Futsal Training
> <span style="">
> <div class="event-title">Futsal Training</div>
> <div class="event-title-break"></div><strong>Time:</strong> 1:30
> pm<br />
> <div class="event-content-break"></div>
> Futsal Training at NetSports
> </span>
> </a>
> </span>
> </span>
> </td>
> I want to strip the asterisk characters ("*") from the HTML.  I have
> been able to tweak a few things but I am struggling with a selctor
> which would allow me to eliminate the asterisk.  Any help or
> suggestions would be approeciated.  I was trying to do this but
> innerHTML returns undefined and I am not sure why.
> jQuery('span.even > br').each(function() {
>    html = this.innerHTML ;
>    //  Some manipulation goes here
>   jQuery(this).html(html) ;
> }
> I am by no means a jQuery guru so I am sure I am missing something
> obvious.
> Thanks,
> Mike

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