"but the FLASH chart is not reloading"

Maybe i am missing something, but where in your shown code above are
you attempting to reload anything?   your $.post command only has
target URL and params specified, not any actions tied to "success"

On Dec 26, 11:00 pm, Tristan <tristan.bessou...@gmail.com> wrote:
> ok, i turned on my brain and i found the error :
> $("nomGSP").click(function () {     incorrect
> $("#nomGSP").click(function () {    correct
> but it would not be fun if it works ! i've got the correct data
> produced by the changing (i can see it in the ajax request), but the
> FLASH chart is not reloading so all i can see is the original flash
> chart (not updated)
> any ideas ?
> the flash chart is contained into an div
> and the options are provided by this  :
> swfobject.embedSWF(
> "../open-flash-chart.swf", "graphique3",
> "900", "800", "9.0.0", "/expressInstall.swf",
> {"data-file":"../graphiques/notes.php",
> "loading":"loooooooading..."} );
> Thanks

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