thx for the reply

1) yeah, the values are correct i checked that with firebug
2) i tried putting the getScript in callback (i don't know if i did
this right) but it's the same no data loaded
3) the php part is doing well i've got the right values in notes.php
according to what users select in the FORM and send by $.post

i want graphique3.js to reload the chart with my new datas just
updated in notes.php ='((

        $("#nomGSP").change(function () {

         //get the username
         var hebergeur1 =  $('#nomGSP').val();
         //use ajax to run the check
         $.post("/graphiques/notes.php", { hebergeur1: hebergeur1 } ,

On 27 déc, 21:04, Charlie <> wrote:
> lots of possibilities here...a link would help.
> 1) are the correct values being sent in post? Firebug can be very helpful for 
> determining this using the "Show XMLHttpRequests" option.
> 2)getScript may be getting called  prior to notes.php having finished 
> processing (AJAX is asynchronous), could try putting the getScript as a 
> callback to $Post
> 3) is the php doing what it is supposed to? withing the callback you could 
> look a the values it generates also to see what is happening
> Tristan wrote:Hi, i've got a little problem and i need your help please : my 
> script does : 1- post a value in "notes.php" to update values according to 
> what is send. 2- reload the script which calls an flash chart to update it 
> the problem is : the datas are correctly updated in /notes.php when calling 
> again the script to update the chart it's working BUT the values in notes.php 
> are reset to initial value (which is 0) so the chart is showed empty (because 
> the charts fils its data with notes.php) $(document).ready(function(){ 
> $("#nomGSP").change(function () { var hebergeur1 = $('#nomGSP').val(); 
> $.post("/graphiques/notes.php", { hebergeur1: hebergeur1 } ); 
> $.getScript("graphique3.js"); }); }); Thanks.

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