can't tell what the problem is when you use default styling. Would be much easier to help if the problem was visible, not theoretical

watchbill wrote:
I searched and tried implementing some suggestions regarding the
desire for transparent first level navigation so it will show the
sites nav bar gradient image.

I am using a php include for the navigation so if i need to make
changes or additions to the sites navigation I can do it in one
place.  My site utilizes a css stylesheet for the overall site layout
so I'm adding the sf-menu class tag and then calling the php include

I put up a test page at

<div class="topnavigationArea">
			<div class="container">
				<div class="topnavigationgroup">

<ul class="sf-menu">
						<?php include "navtop1.php";?>

My issue is I would like to know how to make the superfish menu look
more like my site.  I reverted back to the original superfish.css and
sf-nav.css since the changes didn't show the desired changes in ie7 or
firefox 3.5.6

what am i doing wrong or what is the fix?


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